PlanBeyond PlanBeyond
新闻 2023年3月17日




雅各布斯赢了 世界环境中心WEC颁发的2023年金奖表彰了我们的可持续发展转型.

世界环境中心 is a global non-governmental organization advancing sustainable development through corporate business practices. 他们的年度 金奖 recognizes one international company demonstrating a global vision and a commitment to sustainable development through innovative applications of policies, 经济, 环境和社会责任.

独立评审团对我们深思熟虑的可持续发展方法表示赞赏, combining commitments with global initiatives and partnerships with positive and far-reaching impact.

正规博彩十大网站排名 has been on a purposeful j我们的ney to integrate sustainable principles into the solutions we develop and deliver to respond to 我们的 clients’ greatest challenges, 包括那些直接关注应对气候变化的组织,雅各布斯高级副总裁说, 全球气候应对与ESG, Jan Walstrom. “我们知道,我们在解决这个问题上要发挥关键作用 气候紧急情况 and channeling 我们的 technology-enabled expertise and capabilities toward benefiting people and the planet. We’re honored that 我们的 efforts have been recognized by the World 环境 Center and are delighted to receive this prestigious 金奖.”

雅各布斯曾在2016年获得该奖项. This recent win demonstrates the progress we’ve made in fostering a purpose-centered culture, with sustainability-related strategies and approaches  that enc我们的age every employee to contribute towards delivering on 我们的 ambitious commitments.

“我们祝贺雅各布斯,并向公司对可持续发展的承诺致敬,WEC主席说 & 首席执行官格伦·普里克特. “在这个充满挑战的时代, we hope that recognizing 正规博彩十大网站排名’ leadership with the 金奖 will inspire other companies to aim higher in their commitments to sustainability.”



这个奖项紧随其后 雅各布斯在可持续发展方面的其他成就. 去年我们在 道琼斯可持续发展全球指数2022 (DJSI),并在CDP的 一个列表 第一次为气候做贡献. We also became the first professional consultancy and one of the world’s first companies with net-zero targets approved by the Science Based Targets initiative, 获得了一枚金牌 EcoVadis可持续发展 评级, 并成为公认的领先组织 《正规博彩十大网站排名》评选的2022年250家最佳管理公司.

一年过去了 我们的  大胆前进战略 was introduced, elevating 气候的响应 to one of 正规博彩十大网站排名’ three core growth accelerators. This aligns positive societal impact with long-term business growth and demonstrates the company’s commitment to implementing sustainability throughout everything we do, 特别是通过可持续发展, resilient and nature-positive solutions we co-create with 我们的 public and private sector clients around the world.

